Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Drive

    • Welcome to this course!

    • Navigating to Drive

    • Basics of the Drive Dashboard Interface

  • 2

    Fundamentals of Drive & Collaboration

    • Adding Files from the G-suite (Google Docs, Slides, Sheets etc.)

    • Adding Files via Upload

    • Creating Folders & Adding to Folders

    • Nested Folders & File Paths in Drive

    • Managing Permissions: By File

    • Managing Permissions: By Folder

    • Colored Cursors & Basics of Live Collaboration

    • Basics of Commenting

    • Intro to Version History

    • Comfort Check

  • 3

    Review & Wrap Up

    • Recap & Additional Dashboard Features

    • Thank you for joining this course!

    • Feedback [optional]