Course curriculum

  • 1

    Review of NAO Programming

    • (Review) The Choregraphe Interface

    • Setting Up A Python Script (Speech Recognition)

    • Importing the Speech Recognition and Memory Libraries

    • Defining a Vocabulary

    • Store Words In Memory

    • Saying Hello to NAO

  • 2

    Recognizing Voice Commands

    • Speech Recognition Recap

    • Vocabulary with More Than One Word

    • The If/Else Statement

    • Listening for More Than One Word

    • Voice Commands Review

  • 3

    Combining Voice Commands with Movement

    • Using Voice Commands for Movement

    • Having NAO Listen for Movement Commands

    • Step 1: Import the Motion and Posture Libraries

    • Step 2: Change the Vocabulary to Listen For Movement Commands

    • Step 3: Change our 'if/else' statement to have NAO Move

    • Adding Voice Commands and Recap

  • 4


    • Movement, Speech, and Voice Command Review